Artikel drucken    26.08.2006

Fotoreportage  Australien August 2006


by Jocob Robert Nakanuli (Ahwon)


(Die Geschichte wurde mir mit meinen Didgeridoo mitgeliefert,

sozusagen Sinnhintergrund, Artist' Story. Ich gestehe offen,

ich habe zwar das Englisch verstanden, aber nicht die

Geschichte, geschweige denn den Sinn.)


This story about a Manta ray, my grandfather's story. They

stay on Goulburn Island. Manta Ray was a father, the shark

is the brother of Manta ray and the jellyfish ist the nephew.

Manta ray went out fishing and didn't catch anything, went

back home. People talked, thought he was eating all the fish,

but he didn't. The next day he went out again to catch fish

and he did that day. He made a fish trap from rocks to trap

all the fish. He went out to look for bush tucker so he could

mix it with the fish. One day, this fella (shark) came and

saw all his fish and took them all, so everyone thought

Manta ray has eaten them but it was his younger brother

keeping all the fish for his family. He went out (Manta ray)

on the full moon to look for fish and he threw the net but

caught a rainbow serpent and the rainbow serpent took him

down and turned him into a Manta ray. The others were

turned into shark and jellyfish. Everyone was looking for

them but the shark, manta ray and jellyfish went their

separate ways.


Vokabeln: Manta ray = eine Art Rochen / shark = Hai /

Trap = Falle, Reuse / jellyfish = Schellfisch / rainbow serpent

 = Regenbogenschlange (hat nach der Mythologie der

Aboriginals die Menschen geschaffen). Nach der Mythologie

sind alle Menschen mit Tieren verbunden, zu denen sie nach

ihrem Tod auch werden.